Dunning-Kruger Effect In Paranormal Investigations

This is the second post in a series of posts regarding human behavioral tendencies that…

Baader–Meinhof Phenomenon Effects On Paranormal Investigations

In recreational ghost hunting activities are simplified to grabbing a piece of technology or two,…

Subjects For Investigators To Research

In a recent post I discussed the dos and do nots for new investigators. During…

Ten Tips For Posting Paranormal Videos Online

If you visit the Youtube website and complete a search for paranormal investigation or ghost…

Dos and Do Nots For New Investigators

Each experienced investigator has their own method of completing investigations. You may seem similarities between…

Other Paranormal Entities

In a previous blog entry entitled "Common Paranormal Entities" we discussed the five entities that…

The Stone Tape Theory

Believers of the Stone Tape Theory claim that crystalline rock such as quartz, basalt, limestone,…

What Is Smudging?

The dictionary.com definition of smudging is "A traditional Native American method of using smoke from…

Common Paranormal Entities

There are five types of paranormal entities that are most commonly reported from clients before…

Ouija Boards, Toys Or Tools?

Predecessors of the Ouija Board have been in existence for over 900 years. Are these…