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  • Understanding Photographic Anomalies in the Paranormal Field

    Anyone with any remote interest in the anomalous research field or more particularly in either ghost hunting or paranormal investigations has spent time on the internet visiting social media, various websites, or reddit searching for pictures of what is reported to be activity of a paranormal nature. The truth is that well over 99% of the material that you find has an easily explainable natural cause to what is being perceived as paranormal. Today we will discuss photographic anomalies that are often misperceived as paranormal activity.

    The Orb Conspiracy

    I receive a lot of questions via email pertaining to people sharing their paranormal experiences and looking for my interpretation on their situation. I would guesstimate that four out of 5 emails that I receive are related to orbs. I have discussed orbs in the past in various blog posts, but I thought that it would be beneficial to create a detailed blog entry on orbs that I can refer people to when they email me with photos and videos of orbs, believing that they may be paranormal in nature due to wide spread misinformation which is even propagated by many people involved with the paranormal community including but not limited to ghost hunters, paranormal investigators, paranormal enthusiasts, online video channels, theatrical movies, and televised paranormal programming.

    Paranormal Stereotypes Part 2

    vercome stereotypes, an experience I had with paranormal television shows, and how to present your team on the internet in a professional way so that your team doesn’t get balled up and thrown into the box with paranormal stereotypes.

    Voice Phenomena

    Today we explore Direct Voice Phenomena and Electronic Voice Phenomena including class systems, methodology, and evidence integrity.

    Misperceived As Paranormal Activity Part 2

    A month ago I posted a blog entry entitled “Misperceived As Paranormal Activity”. I thought that it would be beneficial to expand on that post and discuss more situations where activity can be misperceived as paranormal when it is xenonormal. Xenonormal means it’s normal in nature, but unfamiliar.

    Subjects For Investigators To Research

    In a recent post I discussed the dos and do nots for new investigators. During that post I mentioned about getting educated in as many subjects as possible. This post will briefly define some of those subjects that you may or may not hear about on television shows, and those that you most likely will not hear about on the television shows. It is beneficial for serious investigators to be familiar with these topics.


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