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  • Paranormal Stereotypes Part 2

    vercome stereotypes, an experience I had with paranormal television shows, and how to present your team on the internet in a professional way so that your team doesn’t get balled up and thrown into the box with paranormal stereotypes.

    Paranormal Stereotypes Part 1

    Whether you are a paranormal investigator, a ghost hunter, or split your time between both, you are quite aware of stereotypes in the field of study or entertainment that we enjoy. Today I will discuss some of these stereotypes and what you can do when they arise and to help prevent them from being associated with you, allowing you to rise above the stereotypes. This is part one of a two part series.

    Paranormal Investigation Equipment That We Don’t Recommend

    Today I will discuss one of the elephants in the room as it pertains to certain equipment that can be seen being used at paranormal investigations on television and on the internet. There are some devices used on paranormal investigation shows that to some people seem possibly questionable to the ability of the equipment to perform the task that it is claimed to be able to do.

    Posted on November 18, 2021 in Equipment by Eric Extreme
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    Paranormal Investigation Equipment

    There is a plethora of equipment available on the market. Some of it is very valuable, while some of it I would not recommend.


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